The Trevor James Signature Custom Raw Tenor & Alto Saxophones are a professional line of instruments now available in the United States and Canada. The flagship large bell Raw model is a bare‐brass finish. After the manufacturing process, the saxophone is simply cleaned and coated in a wax finish, preserving the raw brass style. The lack of lacquer means the saxophone will age naturally over time, giving it an even more vintage look and feel. The horn looks stunning with it’s detailed engraving on the bell, as well as the model name engraved into the crook.

Along with a well built body that includes level and smooth tone holes, the Signature Custom Raw saxophones come with other features that have become a staple of the best modern saxophones.
- Solid pilliars and fittings
- Removable side F# key guard
- Adjustable thumb rest
- triple-point bell stay
- Double Arms on Key Cups
Describing the tone of the Raw Saxophones can be challenging. The Large Bell Raw puts out a huge sound, but while many professional saxophones have a ‘central character’, be it warmth, darkness, or brightness, the Signature Custom Raw’s tonal center is very dependant on the individual player . A slight change in technique can bring out vastly different levels of warmth, or brightness for example.
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